SecondJP Igloo Inc99.5
ThirdArcadia Ice Arena57
FourthFort Myers Skatium54.5
FifthLogitech Ice52
SixthLLoyd Center Ice Rink48
SeventhDr. Pepper StarCenter Plano39
EighthThe Ice Park37
NinthYerba Buena Ice Skating Center34
10thIce Center of Cupertino31
11thVacaville Skating Center28
12thBelmont Iceland17
13thValley Ice Garden16
13thIce Chalet Memphis16
13thWonderland of Ice16
16thUniversity of Delaware15
16thOxnard Ice Skating Center15
16thIce Town15
19thSprinker Recreation Center14
20thIce Oasis13
20thAerodrome Willowbrook13
22ndHighland Sports Center12
22ndIce Skating Center at the Galleria12
22ndJones Center for Families12
22ndSt. Peter's Rec Plex12
26thKent Valley Ice Center11.5
27thCity of Santa Fe Genoveva Chavez Communit11
29thEastridge Ice Arena9
29thRDV Sportsplex Ice Den9
31stGlenview Ice Center8
31stRoseville Skating Center8
31stCity of Stockton Parks & Recreation8
34thWhite Bear Lake Sports Center5
35thClackamas Town Center Ice Arena4
35thGreensboro Ice House4
37thPasadena Ice Skating Center3
37thSan Diego Ice Arena3
37thBrentwood Ice Arena3
40thBig Bear Ice Arena2.5